Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pickle Swatch


I made this swatch out of a pickle yes...
but look how many great colors!!!!
You have to like it

These colors are not meant t be used just for pickles hehehe

The fact that I took them from nature makes them match
in a very organic way, and to paint things like
foliage or trees, or anything else, they work!

have fun!

for CS2++

in the gallery

How to organize your art.


Made a little "tutorial" to share a good way to organize
your artwork folder, so you don't get lost in
the mess that we all have when creating a piece.

Hope it helps

- while you are working on a piece, every time
you leave it for the day, make a copy of the
folder and transfer to a flash drive,
so you don't risk losing it.

- once you are done and your art is published,
zip the folder and keep in a backup folder
with the other sipped art folders,
when you have enough, burn it.